Asterism often present due to oriented needle-like inclusions or to colloidal or other Along a-axis | Along b-axis | Along c-axis | Start rotation | Stop rotation 


Hello! Given a joint's orientation (<>) and a euler rotation (0, 0, 5), how do I rotate the joint so that it only rotates on the Z axis (in this example) while taking into account its original orientation? In other words, when the rotations are "0, 0, 0" I need to write "-16.95285, -2.185228, -16.97713". So when the rotations are "0, 0, 5", how do I find out what the right values would be

Here are two quick visuals to understand the difference (you can also read more about Orientation vs. Behavior in the Maya doc page for Mirror Joint ): After I import any animation, that's when the problem happens. The mannequin seems to rotate facing left, and the arms get distorted by rotating in odd directions and are moved out of place depending on the animation. On 2 pics below, in Maya, notice the direction gizmo on the bottom left. Auto joint limits. When this option is on, Maya automatically limits the extent a joint can rotate about its axes according to the angles at which you build the skeleton’s joints.

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Each joint’s local axes have the orientation of the world axis, and the other Orient Joint settings are disabled. When off, you can specify the joint alignment using the other Orient Joint settings described below. If you want to enter precise orientation values for the local axis, you can use a MEL command like the following: rotate -r -os 180 0 0; This command rotates the current joint’s local axes 180 degrees about its X-axis. I'm still very new to Maya but I'm having trouble getting local axes on bones/joints to export correcetly from Maya to an fbx file. The basic issue I'm having is that any time I change the local axis pivot orientation (using D and rotate) on a joint, Maya will put these values into a Custom Axis Orientation but not alter the actual Local Axis in any way. When this option is on, Maya automatically limits the extent a joint can rotate about its axes according to the angles at which you build the skeleton’s joints. Also, the smaller inner angle of a joint rounded off to 180 degrees is set as the allowable range of rotation.

This corresponds to the jointOrient attribute on the joint, which is stored internally as a quaternion. It is different from the rotation orientation defined in the transform node. Modifying the jointOrient changes the coordinate axes, which affects how scaling a joint behaves.

tiatavhandling: Orientation of fibres in suspen- sions flowing over a avhandling: Rotation-Free Shell Elements for. Thin-Film Structures Joint TCS/CIAM Seminar. Mats Näslund Maya Neytcheva, Upp- sala universitet: 

Based on that alone, I think the chances are you're better off leaving the joint orientations as they are after mirroring, unless your have a well trusted expert rigger telling you otherwise. 2018-03-26 2012-04-06 2017-04-16 Beyond mere joint placement, which acts as a pivot for the joint or limb, joint orientation contains information as to the direction/angle of the X, Y, Z axes, and their ranges of motion. For example, you create a skeleton with the correct joint placement, and do not consider joint orientation.

Maya rotate joint orientation


Maya rotate joint orientation

In other words, when the rotations are "0, 0, 0" I need to write "-16.95285, -2.185228, -16.97713". So when the rotations are "0, 0, 5", how do I find out what the right values would be Maya Rigging Rotate plane solver issue. Rigging. Rotate plane solver issue: Check if the last joint's orientation matches it's parent joint's orientation by turning on local rotation axis (Display -> animation -> local rotation axis) . If it doesn't match, select the last joint and orient it to world in the orient joint … This is good because rotating the first joint on the z-axis allows to rotate the arm down. Rotating the first joint along the y-axis makes it possible to rotate the arm forward. Maya Quick Rig: https: I continued the tutorial with my current local orientation axes set up.

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Check out the recording of the live-stream that has everything you have ever wanted to know about Maya Joints, and at times were afraid to ask. Get the joint orientation. This corresponds to the jointOrient attribute on the joint, which is stored internally as a quaternion. It is different from the rotation orientation defined in the transform node.
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I tried to rotate manually, tried different settings and didn`t get to set the axis in in my experience, joint orientation in both maya and Modo are 

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